Choose ONE of the tasks below to carry out:
1) Correct 3 mistakes from the answers below:
2) Correct 3 mistakes from the answers:
3) Is the boy's answer entirely correct? If so, justify it. If not, what's wrong with it and what should it be?
3) - It's not correct. His way of thinking was right, in morphological and semantic ways at least, because most words in negative forms also have an affirmative form. But, these words are unique, and they don't have an affirmative form as the boy thought, it makes the whole sentence wrong in grammar aspects.
ResponderExcluiri guess the correct form should be: "First of all, mom, i'm NOT totally uncouth, very nonplussed and inept at everything".
ExcluirThis is an interesting answer, J. Eduardo. It's not the only one though.....
Excluir3- It is wrong in the grammatical ways.
ResponderExcluir"First of all, momma, I'm not uncouth, nonplussed or inept of everything."
3) It´s not correct. The boy thought the adjectives that his mother said were added prefixes, but were not, so he thought that dropping the prefixes that give opposite meanings to the words, the word would turn into something good (because she said something bad, dropping prefixes would get the opposite meaning).
ResponderExcluirBut sometimes it´s not possible to do that! So the correct form would be "First of all, mom, I'm NOT uncouth, nonplussed or inept of everything".
Excluir3) The correct form would be "first of all, MOM, I'm NOT uncouth, nonplussed or inept of everthing".
ResponderExcluirRosane Rios.
ResponderExcluirWell, I´ll try the 2nd task!
1)Em " I picked.." poderia ser " I chosed.." ou "I´ve chosen''
2)"...but I wish I taught less,mainly to teenagers..." poderia ser "I don´t wanna to teach, especially to teenagers.."
3)e finalmente na parte " I think I can perform..." poderia ser " I think I ca do..."
i hope I did it right, please correct me if not ^^/
Vinícius Pedroso de Moraes
Hi Vinicius,just a few things:
Excluir1) "to pick" is a synonym for "to choose". The past of "choose" is "chose", without -d.
2) It's ok to say "I wish I taught...."
3) It's also ok to say "I think I can perform...."
Can you find a serious mistake in the text for task 2? Or even task 1?
Task 1
ResponderExcluir2) A palavra "knowledgement" teria que ser substituída por "knowledge".
3) A frase "I expect this course help me how translation in a correct way" teria que ser substituida por "I expect this course CAN help me TO TRANSLATE in a correct way".
E a frase "and give enough knowledgement to do" teria que ser substituída por "and give ME enough knowledge to do IT"
Beatriz Angerami
Opção 1)
ResponderExcluirCorreção da primeira resposta do exercício:
“(...) for me is a interesting area to work with”
1. For me IT is
2. AN interesting area
Segunda resposta:
“I choose this course because has a relationship with languages that I studied before, so I would like to learn more about english and of course improve my knowledgement in this area. I want to be an specialist in translation.”
1.I CHOSE this course
2. Because IT has a relationship
3. I would like to know more about English
4. Improve my KNOWLEDGE in this area
5. I want to be A specialist
Terceira resposta:
“I expect this course help me how translation in a correct way and give enough knowledgement to do, if is possible a perfect job. Learn about the structures of english language could facilitate the translation, no matter of kind of text”
1.I expect this course TO help me
2. How TO translate in a correct way
4. If IT is possible
5. LEARNING about the structures of English
Priscila Santa Maria
hum... acho que corrigi além do desejado uhahau
Excluir3. O garoto, percebendo que a mãe dele usou adjetivos com prefixos para dar uma ideia de "mal", "negação", na resposta ele tirou tais prefixos para dar uma ideia contrária. Porém, as "palavras" couth, plussed e ept não tem significado algum sem os prefixos.. Então, ele poderia ter respondido da seguinte forma :: First of all momma, I am not totally uncouth, nonplussed and inept at everything. Now, about my english..
ResponderExcluirMaria Carolina M. Garcia
3)Ele está errado, porque retirou apenas os morfemas com ideia de negação para argumentar com a mãe, sem se preocupar com o sentido das 'palavras' que restaram. A única verdade dita por ele está em, "Now, about my English..."
ResponderExcluirCaroline Matheus
ResponderExcluirTask 1-(3 mistakes):
* AN interesting (pois interesting começa com vogal);
* CHOSE (past of choose);
* KNOWLEDGE (I think knowledgement doens't exist).
Ow! the last sentence: LEARN ABOUT THE... Could it start: LearnING, - por ser início de frase -???? Ou tanto faz???
That's it Deni.
By: O'Hara
ResponderExcluirThe form correct is:
First of all, mom, I'm not uncouth, nonplussed or inept of everything.
Hey :)
ResponderExcluirTask 1)
- ...for me is AN interesting area to work with. (o artigo A não pode ser colocado com uma outra vogal, por isso a forma correta seria AN interesting)
- I CHOSE this course... (passado)
- Knowledge (sufixo MENT a mais -> knowledgement não existe)
Beatriz G. Colin
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ResponderExcluirO menino tentou mostrar que ele é o contrário do que a mãe achava e retirou os prefixos dos adjetivos usados pela mãe, porém esses adjetivos não possuem outras formas (sem o prefixo).
Ele poderia ter respondido assim: "First of all momma, I am not totally uncouth, nonplussed and inept at everything. Now, about my english.."
Hi everyone,
ResponderExcluirJust an observation:
If your correction for activity number 3 was to put "NOT" in the sentence, it was a good idea. HOWEVER*, as a future translator, you MUST be sure of your correction. So, you might want to review it and post your second, better thought-out, correction.
3- A menina tirou os prefixos e adjetivos dando uma ideia contraria ao que sua mãe havia falado. Porem, essas palavras nao sao nada sem os prefixos .
ResponderExcluirMarilia Meneghini
Task 1
ResponderExcluirThat's the way I would correct the following answers:
I would like to work in translation of books, for me IT is AN interesting area to work with.
I CHOSE this course because IT has a relationship with languages that I HAVE studied before, so I would like to learn more about English and of course improve my KNOWLEDGE in this area. I want to be A specialist in translation.
I expect this course TO help me how TO TRANSLATE in a correct way and give ME enough KNOWLEDGE to do IT, if IT is possible a perfect job. LEARNING about the structures of English language could facilitate the translation, no matter of kind of text.
Bruna Tassi Tercioti
First task
ResponderExcluira) (...) TO me IT's AN interesting area (...)
b) I choose this course because IT has a RELATION with languages (...) and of course TO improve my KNOWLEDGE (...)
c) I expect this course CAN help me how TO TRANSLATE (...)
Heloisa Busquim
I think the best way to say the sentence I am totally couth is saying I am not uncouth
Bruna Deritti
I think the best way to say the sentence I am totally couth is saying I am not totally uncouth
ResponderExcluirFisrt Task
ResponderExcluir1st Answer
I would like to work WITH translation of books, for me ITS AN interesting area to work with.
2nd Answer
I CHOSE this course because IT HAS a RELATION with languages that I'VE studied before, so I would like to learn more about english and of course improve my knowledge in this area. I want to be A specialist in translation
3rd Answer
I expect this course TO HELP me HOW TO TRANSLATE in a correct way and give enough knowlegdge to do IT, if IT'S possible a perfect job. I EXPECT THAT LEARNING about the structures of english language could facilitate the translation, no matter what kind of text.
I hope thats it,
Rauster Zambello
Task 1
ResponderExcluira) I CHOSE this course (...)
b) (...) improve my KNOWLEDGE in this area.
c) I want to be A specialist in translation.
Aline Tomazela
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ResponderExcluirTask 1
ResponderExcluir“ I would like to work WITH translation of book, for me it’s AN interesting area to work with.”
“...I want to be A specialist in translation.”
Task 1
ResponderExcluir... for me is AN interesting area to work with.
...I want to be A specialist...
...give enough knowledge...
ResponderExcluirI would like to work WITH translation of books, for me IT is AN interesting area to work with.
I choose this course because IT has a CONNECTION with languages that I HAVE STUDIED before, so I would like to learn more about English and of course improve my knowledgement in this area. I want to be A specialist in translation
I expect this course TO help me the correct way OF TRANSLATING and GIVING enough knowlegdge to do IT, if IT is possible, a perfect job. IT IS EXPECTED THAT LEARNING about the structures of english language could facilitate the translation, no matter what kind of text.
3 - O ideia do garoto não foi de total falha, ele resolver tirar os prefixos que correspondam ao contrário das palavras de modo a deixá-las com aspecto certo. Contudo ele não sabe que certas palavras não possuem significado real sem sua junção com prefixos ou sufixos. São os sufixos presos.
ResponderExcluir3.1 - I'd change "a interesting" for "an interesting". Then, I'd change "choose" for chose, and "I studied before" for I've studied before. And "how translation" for how to translate.
ResponderExcluir1)Segue abaixo os erros encontrados nas respostas dessa tarefa:
ResponderExcluir1° resposta: Devemos trocar "a interesting" por "an interesting".
2º resposta: Aparece "choose", mas o certo é "chose" com apenas um "o" porque a frase esta no passado.
3º resposta: Substituir "knowledgement" por "knowledge".
Beatriz Azevedo
1. Why did you pick this course?
- "I [chose] this course because has a relationship with languages."
- "Improve my [knowledge] in this area"
- "I want to be [a] specialist in translation."
Bárbara Pires \o
3- First of all, momma, I'm NOT uncouth, nonplussed or inept of everything.
ResponderExcluirO primeiro erro: "a interesting" pois eu acredito que deveria ser "an interesting". O segundo: "I studie" nesse caso eu acredito que seria melhor "I have studied". O terceiro "how translation" seria melhor utilizar "how to translate".
Mariana Lara Maciel
Task 1
ResponderExcluirI expect this course TO help me how TO TRANSLATE in a correct way and give ME enough KNOWLEDGE to do IT, if IT is possible a perfect job. LEARNING about the structures of English language could facilitate the translation, no matter of kind of text.
Exercise 1
ResponderExcluirI could find more than 3 mistakes,but some of them I won't list.
wrong right
work in work with
is a interesting it is an interesting
I choose I chose
because has because it has
english English
knowledgement knowledge
Katia Barella de Campos
3) Se o garoto tivesse colocado a palavra "not" ao responder e repetido as palavras na mesma forma em que sua mãe disse (First of all, momma, I'm NOT uncouth, nonplussed or inept at everything) , a resposta estaria correta. Entretanto, ele decidiu tirar o que demonstrava negatividade nas palavras e responde-las como se estivesse em sua forma original.
ResponderExcluirRodolfo Abachi
"a interesting - "an interesting". (se coloca "an" pois quando uma palavra começa com uma vogal *as vezes*, usa-se "an".
ResponderExcluir"choose" - "chose". (usa-se apenas um "o", pois a frase está no passado.
"knowledgement" - "knowledge".
Taís Figueiredo
ResponderExcluirI choose this course because has a relationship with languages that I studied before, so I would like to learn more about english and of course improve my knowledgement in this area. I want to be an specialist in translation.
I CHOSE this course/because IT has a relationship /I would like to know more English/Improve my KNOWLEDGE in this área/ I want to be A specialist .....