quinta-feira, 6 de dezembro de 2012

Last prezi - Debate about sociolinguistics and Syntax

The class today will be based on this:

Extras - Dec 6th

I was this close to arresting you this morning.

They dedicate a huge part of their lives to making these products.

Following numerous protests around the world, Google ended its illegal collection of wifi data transmissions. The company, which originally claimed it was not even collecting wifi data, was forced to admit that it had collected payload data, although at first Google only admitted to collecting "fragments" of such data. Eventually after investigations revealed it, Google acknowledged that "in some instances entire emails and URLs were captured, as well as passwords."

domingo, 2 de dezembro de 2012

Some information and one more task

Hi everyone, how are you doing?

Sorry I haven't replied your emails about the final papers, I will do it as soon as possible.

This post is to remind you that I will be checking the optional EXTRA activities next class.They will basically help people in their grades. If you get a D, for instance, you may get  a C instead, as long as you have done ALL the activities.

I will repost below, an excerpt from an email I sent you on Oct. 7:

"2) No dia 6 de dezembro irei vistar as atividades de vocabulário do extra credit. Elas podem estar respondidas nas próprias folhas dasatividades ou respondidas, A MÃO, COM SUA LETRA, em uma folha separada. "

Also, I intend to correct all final papers until next week so I can inform you who would need a sub, which would be taken on the 13th.

Now, a syntax task:

Below is a list of "grammar rules" from English. Make a comment in order to explain what the rule is demonstrating and how valid it is or isn't. 

For example, the first sentence uses alliteration (repetition of the sounds "a" and "al") but tells us not to. In my opinion, this rule is not valid, because depending on what genre you are producing (poetry or music, for instance) you may want to use it on purpose. If used in some contexts, however, it may indeed become irritating.

sexta-feira, 9 de novembro de 2012

Grammar Grammar Grammar

Here's the prezi I used last class and will use next class:

segunda-feira, 5 de novembro de 2012

Task 8 - JOKES

Here are all the jokes from last class (except the ones for the trabalho final). Choose one to talk about. The idea is to explain what causes the ambiguity (and the funny aspect) in the joke. 
For instance:

I broke my arm in three places - Well, you ought to stay out of those places then!
A graça aqui reside na palavra places, que pode ser interpretada como partes do braço ou lugares nos quais a pessoa estava quando quebrou o braço. 

Alternatively, you can write a "piada de português" that explores this linguistic phenomenon called ambiguity. For instance: 

O português era o único passageiro dentro de um ônibus. Estava chovendo forte e tinha uma goteira bem na cabeça dele. Vendo a água cair sobre a cabeça do português, o cobrador disse: Por que você não troca de lugar? e ele respondeu: Mas trocar com quem?
A graça aqui se explica devido à ambiguidade da palavra "trocar". Alguém pode simplesmente trocar ou mudar de lugar ou pode trocar de lugar COM ALGUÉM, e foi essa última a interpretação que o português teve.

terça-feira, 23 de outubro de 2012

Task 7

Hello everyone, how are you doing? 

Since we won't have classes this week because of the "Mostra Acadêmica",  I propose that we start talking about last week's activity here.

Look at the activity again and answer any question. Also, if you would like to ask a question about anything related to the activity, please do so.

segunda-feira, 1 de outubro de 2012

Extra credit: Optional activity about compounding

Visit the piece of news through the link below, read at least the four first paragraphs, and answer:


How many noun-noun combinations can you find? 
How would you translate them? 

sexta-feira, 28 de setembro de 2012

Task 6 - Translating lines in series

Come up with a context and a translation for ONE of the following:



C) Please analyse both screen captures together:

terça-feira, 18 de setembro de 2012

Prezi - Latest contents and TASK 5

TASK 5) Inflection and derivation

Step 1: Review our class with the prezi below.

Step 2: Post a comment in which you write a sentence that contains an example of derivation and one of inflection. CAPITALIZE the words/expressions you want your classmates to guess.

For example:

" My sentence:

Last year I READ Andre Agasis' AUTOBIOGRAPHY and it was really cool. "

A possible response post:

" READ - inflection (it's a verb in the past because the grammar dictates it: last year).
AUTOBIOGRAPHY - derivation. It derives from "biography". Nothing in the grammar of the sentence obliges me to say "autobiography", it could be book, magazine, etc.....

Here's my sentence:


And then the next person responds and posts a different sentence.

Have fun!

The prezi below is the one I have been using lately:

segunda-feira, 10 de setembro de 2012


Some people have asked me if I have any dictionary that could be installed into a computer and used offline. 
I have found the following on 4shared and other similar sites. 

You can download one from the dropbox link:


I have tested two or three of them and they are working. I don't know if all are working, though. 

Please leave a comment telling us which has worked for you. Please also inform which version of Microsoft Windows you are using.

sexta-feira, 7 de setembro de 2012

Morphology in Action 1 - Reading

Here's the prezi I used last class:

And here's the link for the handout that I gave out:



Guidelines and useful links for the seminar:

Remember the presentations MUST TALK ABOUT SOMETHING DIFFICULT in English. Explanations that we can find in any grammar book are NOT welcome. So think well before preparing the activities. 

In this dropbox link you will find a lot of pdf's related to word classes. They are just REFERENCE! You should decide if you will use it or not, or just parts of it. There are also some ppts from previous groups; again, use them as a GUIDE, do not copy everything!


In this dropbox folder you will find MANY grammar books. Again, they are reference and should be used with caution for the seminar, if you want to use them at all. 


Useful links:

Awesome videos to be explored:


Lots of materials:


A brief overview of word classes:


Very simple explanations on word classes. The GAMES are for children but they are really cool:


Other information:
  • The presentations will take place during 4 classes: 
    o Nouns and Verbs: Sep 20
    o Adjectives and Adverbs: Sep 27
    o Pronouns and Conjunctions: Oct 4
    o Prepositions and Articles: Oct 11

    Each group has 20 minutes to present.

  • The THEORY groups should bring DIFFICULT or INTERESTING aspects of the word class. They should focus on TRANSLATION. DO NOT BRING things that can easily be found in any grammar book! 
  • The PRACTICE groups should bring DIFFICULT or INTERESTING interactive activities to propose to the class. The
    focus should also be on TRANSLATION. 

domingo, 2 de setembro de 2012

Task 4 - Correcting morphosyntactic stuff

Choose ONE of the tasks below to carry out:

1) Correct 3 mistakes from the answers below:

 2) Correct 3 mistakes from the answers:

3) Is the boy's answer entirely correct? If so, justify it. If not, what's wrong with it and what should it be?

terça-feira, 28 de agosto de 2012

Task 3 words/lexemes/morphemes.....

Choose one task among the three following:

Tentanto utilizar os conhecimentos (sejam eles quais forem) adquiridos na aula de Morfossintaxe até agora, reaja à imagem e texto verbal trazidos abaixo:

Sua reação pode ser:

a) Por escrito, com no máximo 150 caracteres, ou seja, um tweet.
b) Um vídeo de no máximo 30 segundos, poste o link do vídeo que você fizer o upload na sua conta do youtube (veja exemplo)


ps: para contar os caracteres no Word, vá até Ferramentas - Contagem de Palavras

3.2 Com suas palavras, discorra sobre a diferença entre PALAVRA (ITEM LEXICAL) e LEXEMA, dê exemplos.

3.3 Com suas palavras, discorra sobre a diferença entre MORFEMA e ALOMORFE.

quarta-feira, 22 de agosto de 2012

Prezi - Classes 1 and 2

sexta-feira, 17 de agosto de 2012

Invented words and SENTENCES!!!!

Task 2) Having in my mind the examples of invented words we saw last class:

Português: atrafatar, golmeio, extrimioso.         Inglês: chirter,  finly, smurable.
                  Mriskif, aplitzo, schulgs.                               Jigtufdu, gtjitis, rexctne

write 2 sentences in Portuguese and 2 in English using YOUR INVENTED WORDS. The word may sound like Portuguese and English or not. The idea is for you to write a sentence so that any speaker of these languages would recognize the invented word as being part of his/her language or not. Remember Max? His invented words make sense because they follow the morphological rules of English. Can you do the same?


a) Olha quantos mrisjifgs aquelas pessoas estão carregando!
b) Odeio quando meu irmão fica atrafatando minhas coisas.

c) She's elegant, look at how finly she moves.
d) The most valuable rexctnes are the red ones.
Denilson Amade Sousa

The question is, can you identify which words from the examples above are part of the language and which ones are not? If so, great! The idea was understood.